2015-09-25 - Meant to Be Here


~5.2 miles @ ~12.9 min/mi

"If I get a call, I will deny knowing either of you!" Kerry cautions, after hearing of Kristin's and my exploratory adventures in her absence. In contrast, at dawn this morning as we venture along a narrow cut-through between Rupert St and Bonheim Ct, Kerry's comment is, "We were meant to be here!"

Venus glitters in the eastern sky as we set out for a trot around the McLean extended neighborhood, trying not to over-do the distance before Monday's planned long run. The bank thermometer reads 59°F. Rabbit count = 1, spotted by Kerry as it scampers away in the gloom, confirmed in Kristin's flashlight beam.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2015-10-19